The Create Community API enables developers to create a new community within the platform programmatically. This API is crucial for automating community setup, allowing for seamless integration with your application or service.

URL : /api/thirdparty/community/create

Method : POST

Auth required : YES

Mandatory Fields: handle, name, type, actions

Note : You need to Authorize gn-access-token as Bearer Token to run the API.

Request Body

  "handle": "genuin-community",
  "name": "Genuin Community",
  "description": "some community description #genuinCommunity #genuinAmdCommunity",
  "tags": "genuinCommunity,genuinAmdCommunity",
  "dp": "1.png",
  "categories": {
    "existing": [
    "new": [
  "is_ai_generated": false,
  "is_ai_generated_dp": true,
  "is_ai_generated_banner": true,
  "banner": "1.png",
  "users": [
      "user_id": "b12f13af-ef5a-4906-b0a0-2995e106200d"

Success Response

Condition: If Everything is okay and community is created.

Code: 200


  "code": 200,
  "message": "XXXX-[Community has been created successfully.]",
  "data": {
    "community_id": "0a2be302-04af-4642-a436-1612554e48a6",
    "share_url": "",
    "dp": "",
    "banner": "",
    "color_code": "#A4E6DA",
    "text_color_code": "#49CDB5",
    "leader": {
      "member_id": "0bf977ed-4887-4056-a8f4-1f0de71101f1",
      "name": "hoo hwwoo",
      "bio": "jai hwwooo",
      "nickname": "wdqwdqwdq",
      "phone": "91333333333333",
      "is_brand_system_user": true,
      "is_avatar": false,
      "brand": {
        "brand_id": 1,
        "brand_slug": "dqwd-dqjb"
      "profile_image": "",
      "profile_image_s": "",
      "profile_image_m": "",
      "profile_image_l": ""

Note: In the community_id you will get the actual ID of community and the link from share_url

Bad Request

Condition: If the request contains errors or invalid data, resulting in the community not being created.

Code: 400



Invalid API Usage

Condition: “If the community categories do not exist or there is invalid use of the API, a 404 or 412 error is returned, respectively.

Category Doesn’t exists

Code: 404


  "code": "5220",
  "message": "XXXX-[community categories does not exists.]",
  "data": {}

Invalid Usage of API

Code: 412


  "code": "5166",
  "message": "XXXX-[Invalid Use of API]",
  "data": {}

Internal Server Error

Condition: If an unexpected issue occurs on the server, an Internal Server Error is returned.

Code: 500


  "code": "5216",
  "message": "XXXX-[community handle already exists.]",
  "data": {}