
Genuin will provide you with the established community under the subdomain URL - which you can manage under your brand control center login.

Steps to embed Brand Community:

To embed your Brand community into your website, follow the steps below:

  1. Identify the location on your website where you want to embed the community widget.
  2. Paste the provided code block into the desired location in your website’s HTML markup.
  3. Adjust the height and width of the embed container as per your design requirements. You can specify these dimensions within the code block itself.

Code-block to Embed Community:

style="max-width: 1080px; height: 720px; display: flex;"
<script type="module" src=""></script>
	// Callback function that can be used to initiate the SDK
	window.onGenuinReady = (genuin) => {
			embed_id: 'Your Embed ID',
			api_key: 'Your API Key',
embed_idThe id which you want to embed in your web SDK
api_keyUnique API key which will be used to authenticate the embed
tokenYour SSO Token which will be used for authenticate