The Create Group API enables quick setup of collaborative spaces called Groups, where collection of videos organized around a specific theme or topic.

URL : /api/thirdparty/group/create

Method : POST

Auth required : YES

Mandatory Fields: type, Community_id

Note : You need to Authorize gn-access-token as Bearer Token to run the API.

Request Body

        "type": 4,
        "chat_id": "456e7890-b12c-4c23-89ef-126314214567",
        "recorded_video": {
            "message_id": "789e1234-f12d-4c67-a256-126314214555",
            "video_name": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-1112-234567890111_video.mp4",
            "thumbnail_name": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-1112-234567890111_thumb.jpg",
            "video_path": "trends_videos/2024/5/6/creative",
            "thumbnail_path": "trends_thumbnail/2024/5/6/creative",
            "is_ai_generated_video": true,
            "is_ai_generated_thumbnail": true,
            "link": "",
            "size": "5MB",
            "duration": 5,
            "aspect_ratio": "720x1280",
            "resolution": "1080p",
            "description_text": "Hello, this is @user and I love community XYZ",
            "description_data": "[\"Hello\",{\"user_id\":\"345e1234-5678-90ef-2345-678912341234\"},\"and I love community\",{\"community_id\":\"def45678-abcd-ef12-3456-1234abcdef56\"}]",
            "meta_data": {
                "topic": "Open Discussion"
        "community_id": "f2a05adb-93ce-4a19-b003-3523fa745667",
        "actions": [
                "action_id": 3,
                "access_type_id": 5
                "action_id": 5,
                "access_type_id": 9
        "group": {
            "name": "Tech Conversations",
            "description": "A platform for discussing the latest in technology and innovation.",
            "tags": "technology",
            "dp": "group_dp.png",
            "topics": [1, 2],
            "members": [
                    "phone_number": "919876543210"
                    "user_id": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-1112-234567890111"
        "settings": {
            "discoverable": false
        "template_id": 2,
        "is_ai_generated": false

Success Response

Condition: If Everything is okay and group is created.

Code: 200


        "code": 200,
        "message": "Group has been created successfully.",
        "data": {
            "chat_id": "456e7890-b12c-4c23-89ef-126314214567",
            "type": 4,
            "settings": {
                "discoverable": true
            "share_url": "",
            "is_welcome_loop": false,
            "group": {
                "group_id": "f67c89d0-9abc-4abc-bdef-56789abcf456",
                "group_name": "Tech Conversations",
                "group_description": "A platform for discussing the latest in technology and innovation.",
                "color_code": "#FF5733",
                "text_color_code": "#C70039",
                "dp": "",
                "dp_s": "",
                "dp_m": "",
                "dp_l": "",
                "no_of_members": 1,
                "members": [
                        "member_id": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-1112-234567890111",
                        "name": null,
                        "username": "tech_leader",
                        "is_avatar": true,
                        "is_brand_system_user": false,
                        "status": 1,
                        "role": 1,
                        "profile_image": "alien",
                        "profile_image_s": "",
                        "profile_image_m": "",
                        "profile_image_l": ""
            "latest_message_at": "1727169211000",
            "unread_message_count": 0,
            "latest_messages": [
                    "owner": {
                        "member_id": "345e6789-12ab-4567-8def-90abcdef1234",
                        "username": "tech_leader"
                    "media_url": "",
                    "thumbnail_url": "",
                    "thumbnail_url_s": "",
                    "thumbnail_url_l": "",
                    "media_url_m3u8": null,
                    "message_id": "234e5678-abcd-4e56-90ef-abcdef123456",
                    "message_at": "1727169211000",
                    "share_url": ""
            "brand_id": null,
            "community": {
                "community_id": "f2a05adb-93ce-4a19-b003-3523fa745667",
                "handle": "tech_community",
                "name": "Tech World",
                "description": "A hub for all things technology. #TechWorld #TechCommunity",
                "color_code": "#FF5733",
                "text_color_code": "#C70039",
                "dp": "",
                "dp_s": "",
                "dp_m": "",
                "dp_l": "",
                "share_url": ""

Note: chat_id is the unique identifier for a Group, and you can obtain the URL from the share_url.

Bad Request

Condition: If the request contains errors or invalid data, resulting in the group not being created.

Code: 400



Internal Server Error

Condition: If an unexpected issue occurs on the server, an Internal Server Error is returned.

Code: 500


  "code": "5026",
  "message": "Could not find the video.",
  "data": {}