Got a long video and you want to cut out the clips to post it on your social media account. Genuin’s ClipIt feature is here to help you out. Here is how it will work

Navigate to the Engage Engine > Import Videos > Clip It section.

Here you can add a link of video to create short clips out of it. OR You can upload the video from Computer, Google drive, Dropbox, or s3 Bucket.

Note: The duration of video shall be less than 30 minutes or 2gb in size.

Once you have added the video, you can apply these features to the video: Add Caption, Add Title, Add Background Music, Clickbait Thumbnail, and Smart Crop.

Add Caption and Title

Checkmark Add Caption feature to add the cation to the generated clip from your video. This will add captions to each of your clips. And Checkmark the Add Title feature to add the title which will be based on the content of your video.

Add Background Music

If you want to add the background music to the video then enable this option. Each generated clip will have the background music.

Clickbait Thumbnail

If you want to generate the thumbnail with text then enable this feature. Thumbnail would be the best frame fetched from the video and the text will be applied which will be related to the video. Here is an example of it.

Add Smart Crop

Smart crop features crop out the person from the video and displays in such a way that more focus is on the person who is talking. Below are some examples of it.

Virality Score

Scoring Criteria

Each video is assessed according to four major criteria.

1. Hook

The hook is used to mean the introductory segment of the video that may span up to 3 to 10 seconds. This should create a way in which someone viewing this clip can be compelled to keep watching the video. Creating a strong hook is important to retain viewers in this fast- paced online world.

Score Range: 0 to 100 points

2. Flow

Flow describes order and continuity of the video. While every video presentation should have a good flow of ideas, this means one point flowing seamlessly to another in the video. This aspect focuses on how effectively the message or the story is presented so that it does not get distorted or the audience lost.

Score Range: 0 to 100 points

3. Value

Value is the overall benefit or usefulness of the video provided to the viewer. It could be informational: educational or entertaining or motivating – or presented as delivering new and useful information. The idea is to know whether the viewer gets more than he or she expected in the video, and whether the video met its objectives.

Score Range: 0 to 100 points

4. Trend

Trend involves evaluating the degree to which the video is relevant to the current social trend or even the platform specific trends. A video based on trending topics has the chance of attracting more people’s attention and gathers more interaction.

Score Range: 0 to 100 points

Upcoming Features

  1. Dynamic Text Adjustment: This feature lets you re-sizes, repositions, and re-arranges different pieces of text in order to accommodate the video content and the space available, if any. It helps place the text without distortion of any significant images.

    For example, score banner in a live match. It ensures that important text blocks, such as the score and other numbers, do not interfere with the game but remain easy to read and comprehend.

  2. Non-Transcribable Video Processing : This feature can deal with videos that have insufficient audio or no verbal conversations at all so that they are still analyzed and processed.

    For example in the case of a Mr. Bean or Charlie Chaplin episode which is primarily a visual humor, the system is able to understand the character’s actions like, for instance his facial expressions or gestures for the purposes of captioning or summarizing these images.

  3. Custom Caption Styles: With the help of Custom Caption Styles, you can enhance the aesthetic of video captions with various fonts, colors and animations. This ensures that each text adheres to the theme and branding of the video’s content.

    For instance, important messages can be made bold with vivid colors, and animated to appear through a fade-in effect combined with text effects.

  4. Generative B-rolls: Generative B-Roll adds extra video clips related to the main content of the video to make it interesting. It will generate b-roll images or videos according to the user prompt.

    For instance, when you talk about a certain travel place, it may include the video clips of famous historical buildings or the general atmosphere of the place.

  5. Transitions: Transitions improve your video by incorporating smooth effects, like fades or cuts, in between the clips. This feature helps in making a fluent connection in the content, making it interesting for the audience.

    For instance, a fade transition helps in a lovingly delicating movement from one frame to the other looking very neat and professional.

  6. GIFs, Emojis & Stickers: Incorporation of GIFs, emojis, and stickers help in making their videos lively and relatable. This particular aspect lets you add some relatable visuals that are likely to appeal to the viewer.

    For example, you could use a laughing emoji or an adorable sticker while making a funny face to emphasize on the comic moments or show flying money emoji to depict some financial concept, or highlight important aspects of your clip.

  7. Overlays: Overlays let you add branding elements like a logo, text, or even images into the video. This feature assists in maintaining the visual as well as the brand identity for the duration of the video.

    For instance, one can tuck their logo away in a corner or include a text overlay with a call to action for the audience.

  8. Sound Effects: Sound Effects enhance the overall quality and presentation of a video by incorporating sound effects that emphasize key moments. This serves to enhance the enjoyment of the audience and also helps in focusing their attention.

    For instance, you can use “ding” sound when something new appears or a funny sound to a silly scene to make it more entertaining.

  9. Schedules: The Schedule feature automatically picks up videos whenever they are uploaded to Drive, AWS S3, or Dropbox. It processes these videos according to a set schedule, preparing clips for review. This ensures timely access to content without manual intervention.

    For example, if you have uploaded one video to Drive, AWS S3, or Dropbox, the Schedule feature automatically picks them up. It processes them into clips based on your set schedule, ready for review.

  10. Multi-lingual Clips: Multi-lingual Clips produce video material with captions or dubbed sound in different languages. This added functionality ensures that your videos reach a much broader audience consisting of speakers of various languages.

    For instance, once clips are generated, they can be translated into 100+ supported languages. This ensures your content is accessible to a global audience in their native languages.

  11. Editor: With the help of an editor you can cut your video clips, trim it, or add effects and audio. This feature allows you to enhance the quality of video with multiple editing options.

    For instance, you may level the audio, add effects, and use transition to improve the overall video quality.