Off Site
You got the Post’s on your platform and you want to put it on your website as an advertisement? Use our Off Site functionality to create the advertisement. Here is how you can do it.
Create New Ad
Click on the +New Ad button, and you can Select the Post to create an ad.
You can Search for the post, Apply Filter or you can check the Community and Group name by hovering over the post.
After selecting the post, click on the Next button for the further process.
Here you can add the Additional Details for each post like:
Ad Copy: This is kinda introduction regarding your post.
Call-to-Action: You can add the Button name and URL for the Call-to-Action.
Fetch Metadata: Checkmark this option to fetch metadata.
Hashtags: You can add the hashtags for the post.
Pixel URL: You can add the pixel URL to track the details like view page, button clicked or much more.
After adding the Additional Details click on the Next button and you can view the Preview of Post. You can also configure the following details.
Ad Name: Insert the name of your ad for your reference.
Google Tag Manager ID: Insert tag manager id to manage tracking tags efficiently.
Size: Select the dimension of creative.
Button Delay: Select the delay duration to display the CTA button.
Redirect to Profile: The post within the Ad, will have the profile of creator. Switch off this option if you don’t want to user to redirect whenever they click on the profile icon.
Enable Engagement Tools: Switch off this option to disable the Repost, Spark, Comments, and Share options.
Autoplay Video: Switch off this option to pause the autoplay.
Edit Post
If you want to change the post selection for the ad then by clicking on the Edit Post button, you can change the post.
Save and Update
Once you are finalized with the details, you can Save it and view the embed code.
View Code
By clicking on the View Code button, you can generate the tag for the Off Site and embed it to your website.
Edit Ad
If you want to Edit any Ad details, click on the Edit Ad under the More option. You can edit any details of the ad or select the new post for the ad.
Deactivate/Reactivate Ads
If you want to stop your ads from being displayed then you can deactivate it by clicking on the Deactivate under the More option. The ads will stop working after this.
Now, if you want to restart your ads then you can again reactivate it by clicking on the Reactivate under the More option. The ads will start working again.
Front Demonstration
After embedding the code, ads will be visible on the website.
Full Screen View
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