Add Collaborator API enables adding a new collaborator to a specified Loop, allowing them to contribute content and manage posts within the community.

URL : /api/thirdparty/update_conversation/{chat_id}

Method : Patch

Auth required : YES

Note : You need to Authorize gn-access-token as Bearer Token to run the API.

Request Body

  "members_added": [
      "user_id": "b12f13af-ef5a-4906-b0a0-2995e106200d"
  "members_removed": [
  "subscribers_removed": [
  "name": "new name",
  "description": "new description #abc #xyz",
  "tags": "abc,xyz",
  "dp": "1.png",
  "topics": [
  "settings": {
    "discoverable": false

Success Response

Condition: If Everything is okay and collaborator is added.

Code: 200


    "code": 200,
    "message": "Conversation updated successfully.",
    "data": {
        "members_added": [
                "member_id": "9a42d4ed-3720-49cb-8697-57d7e8269b9d",
                "name": null,
                "bio": null,
                "nickname": null,
                "phone": "9533333315",
                "is_brand_system_user": false,
                "is_avatar": true,
                "status": 2,
                "role": 2,
                "profile_image": "sloth",
                "profile_image_s": "",
                "profile_image_m": "",
                "profile_image_l": ""
        "members_removed": [],
        "subscribers_added": [],
        "subscribers_removed": [],
        "requester_removed": [],
        "name_updated": false,
        "description_updated": false,
        "dp_updated": false,
        "topics_updated": false,
        "settings_updated": false

Note: In the members_added array, each object includes the member_id, which uniquely identifies the added Collaborators.

Bad Request

Condition: The API returns an error response if the request contains invalid data or errors, preventing the collaborator from being added.

Code: 400


  "code": "1099",
  "message": "An unexpected error occurred processing the request",
  "data": {}


Condition: The API returns an unauthorized response if the provided authentication credentials are invalid or missing.

Code: 401


  "code": "5159",
  "message": "Invalid Use of API",
  "data": {}

Internal Server Error

Condition: If an unexpected issue occurs on the server, an Internal Server Error is returned.

Code: 500


  "code": "5158",
  "message": "Could not update the conversation.",
  "data": {}